Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Branch removal

Today, a contractor removed tree branches hanging close to power and cable lines.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Notice the debris line in the grass marking the highest water level during a previous rain storm.


View of the newly constructed inlet pipes feeding the first pond.


One of the three inlet pipes feeding the ponds.

Erosion 2

The repairs to the weir between the first and second ponds did not last long.

Erosion 1

The repairs to the weir between the first and second ponds did not last long.


What appears to be a (dead) Northern Water Snake found along the banks of one of the ponds.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

During a thunderstorm 8

Water flow at the inlet to the ponds.

During a thunderstorm 7

High water in the first pond.

During a thunderstorm 6

The second island in the first pond is almost submerged.

During a thunderstorm 5

Heavy water flow across the weir between the first and second ponds.

During a thunderstorm 4

High water in the second pond.

During a thunderstorm 3

The new (submerged) dam between the second and the third ponds.

During a thunderstorm 2

The new dam between the second and third ponds is bypassed by the heavy water flow.

During a thunderstorm 1

High water in the third pond.


Blue flower

Bridging the first pond